Saturday, 19 December 2015

Our Favourite Christmas Movies

We are officially in the week leading up to Christmas! Obviously this means that all of our festive-ness goes into overdrive for the next 5 days. During the week just gone by, and into this week (obviously), we are trying to watch at least one Christmas-related movie and/or tv episode a day. In fact, I have already made my way through the tv guide for this week and picked out all of the daytime and nighttime Christmas movies I will be aiming to watch this week.

We love a good Christmas movie. We tend to watch the same ones every December. It doesn't feel like Christmas without them! Therefore, today we are sharing you our favourite festive films to inspire your holiday movie watching for this week. 

Special mentions: (AKA, movies we watched for the first time this year!)

What are your favourite Christmas movies? We would love to hear them!

Stay gold, and Merry Christmas!

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